Ascend Performance Materials is a global leader in the production of high-quality chemicals, fibers and plastics. Our specialty chemicals and blends of acids, amines and esters are used in a variety of applications across the oil and gas industry. We offer custom solutions through our growing line of formulated blends.
Learn more about our solutions for the oil and gas industry and see technical specs for our products.
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Ascend Performance Materials SPRL
沃森 & Crick Hill Park
Rue Granbonpré 11 – Bâtiment H
B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium
Phone: +32 10 608 600
Ascend Performance Materials (Shanghai) Co.有限公司.
Unit 3602, Raffles City Office Towers
268 Xi Zang Road (M)
Shanghai 200001, China
Phone: +86 21 6340 3300
©2024 Ascend Performance Materials